Run Elasticsearch & Kibana:
docker-compose -f labs/kibana-query/compose.yml up -d
Create an index called shakespeare with these mappings, using the Kibana Console:
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"speaker": {"type": "keyword"},
"play_name": {"type": "keyword"},
"line_id": {"type": "integer"},
"speech_number": {"type": "integer"}
PUT /shakespeare
Load the data using Elasticsearch:
# unzip if you haven't:
tar -xzf labs/aggregation/data/shakespeare.tar.gz
# bulk load:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_bulk' --data-binary "@shakespeare_6.0.json"
There’s a speech in one of the plays full of intereting insults. Search for three-suited to find out the speaker and the play.
You should get a single hit - filter on the play name and type of this document, to restrict further searches.
Add to filter list: play_name: King Lear, type: line
Kibana is super easy to navigate. Using the search bar and field list you should be able to build a query which shows the speech containing that insult in full.
Searching is a lot about understanding the data structure:
Using those you can iterate over your query and narrow down. You’re looking for this output from 11 matching documents:
speaker: KENT and speech_number: 12 and line_number: 2.2*
select text_entry from the available fields to show just that value.
Who else uses the insult “rascal”? Which characters using that word have names starting with “H”?
text_entry: “rascal” and not speaker: KENT
text_entry: “rascal” and speaker: H*
docker-compose -f labs/kibana-query/compose-loader.yml up
build a search which lists:
TV shows featuring David Attenborough, added to the catalog in 2016, with an “international” listing, sorted by the most recent releases.
type: TV Show
Query:cast: "David Attenborough" and date_added: "*2016" and listed_in: international
Fields: release_year (desc)
what is the longest action/adventure movie about dragons?
“Di Renjie zhi Sidatianwang”
Query:listed_in: "Action & Adventure" and description: dragon
Duration is a text field - can’t sort on it…
int duration = 0;
if (doc['type'].value == 'Movie') {
String d = doc['duration.keyword'].value;
if (d.endsWith(" min")) {
duration = Integer.parseInt(d.substring(0, d.indexOf(" min")));
return duration;